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My names lance Bishop and im a young artist from Tamworth , i recently completed college leading me on to university. I have always been a persistant artist even though at times havn't been given the artistic licence to go with my own ideas . My new work has rallied me on to get myself out there and advertise myself and my work, Im a 3d artist moving on to Computer Animaion and Special effects.

please have a look around my work , ecspecially my mummified minotaur , would like to hear your opinions .


Wednesday 30 April 2014

week 10


I have changed the water and am really happy with it, I used a noise bump map and turned the reflect/refract down and then overlapped this with a light green layer underneath. This really does make the scene a whole lot better.

I was thinking it would be cool having something splash into it , or maybe come out of it so that it was a little more interesting.

I have started looking at different camera angles to get the most impact out of my scene .I have found that I prefer a lot of the lower angles as you get a greater sense of power and height from the composition.

1st ideas -

Low angle best ?

Water needs to be an alternative colour ?

Splash scene?

Pics to think about

Monday 21 April 2014

Week 9 .... Testers

Final Testers

Testing of the door opening . this has worked well could do with some ease in and ease out motion which i will try to develop with future tests.

Test 2.

Test 3.

These were created so to see exackly what the motion would look like in a final piece.

Sunday 13 April 2014

week 8.... texturing


My Scene is now fully textured, I did this by using mental ray materials and photometric lights, by combining the two it gave me quite a nice grainy effect in which shadows and reflections are everywhere, it looks just how I planned.

My favourite part it the glass machine, I would like it to open, so I will have to think about how to animate it, weather each piece of glass will come down or just disappear like a star trek transporter. the options for that are quite wide.

Im also incredibly happy with the reflections on the floor.


This water was created using the standard water material on 3ds max, to be honest im not happy enough with it at the moment and this WILL need to change in order for this scene to be successful.

1st ideas -

Alternative ways to create water ?

Darker room ?

Pics to think about

Thursday 27 March 2014

Week 5

I have started the process of creating my structure which will be my lab , it will include a door coming down from the top left, stairs which link it to the bottom, which will lead it to a machine and a pool of water. After researching photo of these labs always seem to have.

The water is going to have to look realistic, so I will need to use bump maps as well as reflection and refraction maps in order to reach that level of expectancy. If this isn't right the scene wont look right and it will be a complete fail.
That is so important to the project.

1st ideas -

How to produce realistic water ?

need to start seeing some actual outcome.

Pics to think about

Monday 17 March 2014

week 4

I am gathering rough sketches for a possible layout so that I can see what the possible outcome will look like and will have an actual picture to work from, by doing this now will make it easier in the coming weeks to actually produce this.

I am toying with the fact to either have a character moving or just items in the room , as the animating isn't my strong point, I think it would be more sensible to just stick with items in the room. An alternative technique could be .....

Motion capture is the process of recording the movement of objects or people. It is used in militaryentertainmentsports, and medical applications, and for validation of computer vision and robotics. In filmmaking and video game development, it refers to recording actions of human actors, and using that information to animate digital character models in 2D or 3D computer animation


Motion capture at g-force

- in this clip the over exagguration is key.


Motion capture offers several advantages over traditional computer animation of a 3D model:

More rapid, even real time results can be obtained. In entertainment applications this can reduce the costs of keyframe-based animation. For example: Hand Over.

The amount of work does not vary with the complexity or length of the performance to the same degree as when using traditional techniques. This allows many tests to be done with different styles or deliveries.

Complex movement and realistic physical interactions such as secondary motions, weight and exchange of forces can be easily recreated in a physically accurate manner.

The amount of animation data that can be produced within a given time is extremely large when compared to traditional animation techniques. This contributes to both cost effectiveness and meeting production deadlines.

Potential for free software and third party solutions reducing its costs.


Specific hardware and special programs are required to obtain and process the data.

The cost of the software, equipment and personnel required can potentially be prohibitive for small productions.

The capture system may have specific requirements for the space it is operated in, depending on camera field of view or magnetic distortion.

When problems occur, it is easier to reshoot the scene rather than trying to manipulate the data. Only a few systems allow real time viewing of the data to decide if the take needs to be redone.

The initial results are limited to what can be performed within the capture volume without extra editing of the data.

Movement that does not follow the laws of physics generally cannot be captured.

Traditional animation techniques, such as added emphasis on anticipation and follow through, secondary motion or manipulating the shape of the character, as with squash and stretch animation techniques, must be added later.

If the computer model has different proportions from the capture subject, artifacts may occur. For example, if a cartoon character has large, over-sized hands, these may intersect the character's body if the human performer is not careful with their physical motion.

1st ideas -

Possibly animate a character ?

Just items moving ?

pentagon shaped machine?

like the square floor! this would catch the light well. (ecspecially if using photometric lights).

Monday 10 March 2014

Week 3


The idea of having my scene as a lab looks a lot more creative that a mythological scene and seems to be more realistic under the time scale. I am now looking at colour schemes so I create a quick chart page to get all my ideas down.

So I would like to keep a lot of the colours very pastelly.

Areas to research - I have identified that I should explore into the cryogenic labs as these are more aesthetically pleasing to look at and hold a lot more interesting objects, which I could possibly build into my own.

ideas -

Definatly use greys, reds, blacks....

possibly a chamber/machine?

composition ?

Lights in use? colour?

Pics to think about

Monday 24 February 2014

Week 1


I start to think about what I actually wanted in my design, so I noted down all of my ideas. the common themes were that I needed to create something a little less standard, boring and a bit more imaginative, this said my two ideas are either to create a sci-fi sort of dark damp and different scene or one of phantasy , with clouds and complete imagination.

Show reel - I picked to look at both of these because my show reel is missing this sort of work, so by creating this it will fit the niche. This should benefit me by attracting a greater area of future employers, as they will be able to see that I can create a wider range of work.

1st ideas -

Maybe a lab scene ?

possible a mythological setting ?

Use of clouds?

Dark, Damp and Unusual?

Pics to think about