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My names lance Bishop and im a young artist from Tamworth , i recently completed college leading me on to university. I have always been a persistant artist even though at times havn't been given the artistic licence to go with my own ideas . My new work has rallied me on to get myself out there and advertise myself and my work, Im a 3d artist moving on to Computer Animaion and Special effects.

please have a look around my work , ecspecially my mummified minotaur , would like to hear your opinions .


12 Principles of Animation (practical work)

The twelve principles of animation are a set of rules for animation, which were origionaly produced by Disney animators ollie johnston and Frank Thomas in the 1981 book called The illusion of life:Disney Animation.

Gesture Drawing

This involved me creating a two minute sketch of my own hand in a firm and rough way, I used a series of long sketchy lines to build up the picture, without thinking of the final outcome really.

Blind Contour

This is an activity i had done many times in the past , aimed to really express to you exackly how important observation is to drawing anything at all. I drew this while being completely concentrated on the hand and didnt look at the page once, we did this for 1 minute.

Blocking in forms

this is a technique in which you almost rush yourself to draw quick sketches of the human anatomy in different poses, in actuall fact i think it stopped me from over-thinking about what i was seeing and the form of the person shone through, was very happy with these pictures.

30 Second sketches
I found these quite tricky due to the fact ive always done art and like to take my time and get a picture right, with these its more about capturing the form and pose. When i look at these they look very expressionate and free-flowing. If i continue to practice sktching with this time limit, I will improve and be able to complete work in extremly tight deadlines.