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My names lance Bishop and im a young artist from Tamworth , i recently completed college leading me on to university. I have always been a persistant artist even though at times havn't been given the artistic licence to go with my own ideas . My new work has rallied me on to get myself out there and advertise myself and my work, Im a 3d artist moving on to Computer Animaion and Special effects.

please have a look around my work , ecspecially my mummified minotaur , would like to hear your opinions .


Thursday 27 March 2014

Week 5

I have started the process of creating my structure which will be my lab , it will include a door coming down from the top left, stairs which link it to the bottom, which will lead it to a machine and a pool of water. After researching photo of these labs always seem to have.

The water is going to have to look realistic, so I will need to use bump maps as well as reflection and refraction maps in order to reach that level of expectancy. If this isn't right the scene wont look right and it will be a complete fail.
That is so important to the project.

1st ideas -

How to produce realistic water ?

need to start seeing some actual outcome.

Pics to think about

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