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My names lance Bishop and im a young artist from Tamworth , i recently completed college leading me on to university. I have always been a persistant artist even though at times havn't been given the artistic licence to go with my own ideas . My new work has rallied me on to get myself out there and advertise myself and my work, Im a 3d artist moving on to Computer Animaion and Special effects.

please have a look around my work , ecspecially my mummified minotaur , would like to hear your opinions .


Wednesday 30 April 2014

week 10


I have changed the water and am really happy with it, I used a noise bump map and turned the reflect/refract down and then overlapped this with a light green layer underneath. This really does make the scene a whole lot better.

I was thinking it would be cool having something splash into it , or maybe come out of it so that it was a little more interesting.

I have started looking at different camera angles to get the most impact out of my scene .I have found that I prefer a lot of the lower angles as you get a greater sense of power and height from the composition.

1st ideas -

Low angle best ?

Water needs to be an alternative colour ?

Splash scene?

Pics to think about

Monday 21 April 2014

Week 9 .... Testers

Final Testers

Testing of the door opening . this has worked well could do with some ease in and ease out motion which i will try to develop with future tests.

Test 2.

Test 3.

These were created so to see exackly what the motion would look like in a final piece.

Sunday 13 April 2014

week 8.... texturing


My Scene is now fully textured, I did this by using mental ray materials and photometric lights, by combining the two it gave me quite a nice grainy effect in which shadows and reflections are everywhere, it looks just how I planned.

My favourite part it the glass machine, I would like it to open, so I will have to think about how to animate it, weather each piece of glass will come down or just disappear like a star trek transporter. the options for that are quite wide.

Im also incredibly happy with the reflections on the floor.


This water was created using the standard water material on 3ds max, to be honest im not happy enough with it at the moment and this WILL need to change in order for this scene to be successful.

1st ideas -

Alternative ways to create water ?

Darker room ?

Pics to think about